Finding solutions and protecting heritage from climate change

Heritage is an important part of the solution towards a more sustainable and low carbon future, and the Historic England Foundation is looking to support initiatives that contribute to net-zero targets, climate resilience and other sustainability goals, to help communities right across the country.

A small Gothic Revival style church sits in the foreground as three large c
Cooling towers at Ferrybridge Power Station form the background to this view of the Church of St Edward at Brotherton, North Yorkshire. The last of the cooling towers were demolished in 2022. © Historic England Archive

The historic environment and the climate crisis

Keeping our historic buildings in active use is one of the most impactful things we can do to lower carbon emissions and reduce waste. Restoring and repairing buildings often emits far less carbon than tearing them down and replacing them.

Improving the energy efficiency of our country’s ageing housing stock is integral to reducing carbon emissions and, in the process, can also help to protect historic buildings and make them more comfortable to live in.

Our historic parks, gardens and ancient monuments can also contribute to preserving green spaces and biodiversity and the important benefits they offer to biodiversity, air quality and mental health.

Read more about Historic England’s climate strategy on their website.

If you would like to discuss supporting heritage projects that address climate issues, please contact us: