Supporting the guardians of our heritage

The heritage sector relies on skilled professionals to preserve historic buildings, monuments and artefacts.

We raise funds for programmes that give the next generation of heritage professionals the skills, technology and knowledge necessary to continue preserving historic sites.

Adapting to the future

There is an increasing demand for skilled professionals to work in areas such as conservation, restoration and heritage interpretation, and the heritage sector is constantly growing and changing.

The apprenticeships, training and skills development programmes that we fund provide the sector with a skilled and qualified workforce to look after our most important historic places.

Case study: The Heritage Building Skills Programme

This major in-work training and apprenticeships programme in the North of England is aiming to reduce shortages in heritage craft skills, improve the condition of ‘at risk’ heritage sites and create attainable career opportunities for young people from less-advantaged backgrounds.

Case study: Historic environment advisor apprenticeships

In 2019 Historic England launched a two-year heritage apprenticeship programme, with funding from Benefact Trust, based around the Historic Environment Advice Assistant (HEAA) apprenticeship standard. This allowed Historic England to ‘test pilot’ the apprenticeship model to address issues of an ageing and unrepresentative workforce within the wider heritage sector.

Our trailblazing of this previously neglected but much needed apprenticeship standard has now led to several national and regional organisations taking on apprentices in this area, creating a highly accessible entry point to the heritage sector for young people. Focused recruitment led to the most diverse range of applicants Historic England had ever received or recruited.

The learnings from this programme helped Historic England deliver its ‘Kickstart’ programme, which provided placements for unemployed 16–24-year-olds and helped smaller organisations across the heritage sector to do the same, as well as supplying a “wrap around” training and mentoring programme to their participants. As a result, over 30 employers have offered over 100 placements, and this is creating new pathways into the sector and providing jobs to those who need them.

Interested in supporting heritage crafts, skills and apprenticeships?

Please email us to discuss how you can get involved: